On Thursday 10th August an Italian 16 metre Raffaelli Maestrale ’52 pleasure yacht homeported at Pesaro that left the port of Marina di Pisa with nine people on board including three children – all from Tuscany, and was headed for Capraia to spend the day at the beach, caught fire around 1230 hrs one mile south of the island of Gorgona , with all the people on board safe.
#Gorgona, ieri: unità da diporto con 9 persone va a fuoco e lancia #Mayday, ricevuto da #GuardiaCostiera #Livorno, che invia mezzi @vigilidelfuoco, unità in transito e motovedetta CP867 che prende a bordo i 9 diportisti, nel mentre saliti su zattera di salvataggio#MareSicuro2023 pic.twitter.com/cgc1g74RgG
— Guardia Costiera (@guardiacostiera) August 11, 2023
Suddenly, for reasons still to be clarified, a violent fire broke out on board the boat which could not be controlled by the extinguishing equipment on board. Realizing the seriousness of the situation, the Master of the unit launched the “Mayday” via radio with his own VHF, promptly received by the Livorno Coast Guard, signaling his position.
The operations room of the Harbor office in Livorno, having received news of the fire which was rapidly spreading throughout the hull and of the presence of minors on board, suggested that the occupants put the life raft into the sea and save. Immediately both CP 867 and Vigili Del Fuoco motobarcapompa (fireboat) were dispatched to the area.
CP 867 at the Command of Lieutenant Albieri arrived on the spot in few minutes and through the naval traffic monitoring systems supplied to the Coast Guard, the units sailing near the accident area were identified to be diverted to the aim to provide first aid to boaters.
Livorno Sezione Operativa Navale responded with the fireboat VF 1174 and a fast dinghy which, under the coordination of the Operations Room of the Port Authority, conducted the firefighting operations.
VF M 06 leaving Palermo, Sicily back to October, 2014.
Rib off Catania, Sicily back to June 2017.
The 6 adults and 3 children onboard in the liferaft were rescued by CP 867 who remained unharmed by the fire and out of danger. Once all were embarked they were transferred to the port of Marina di Pisa where, once they landed, they were welcomed by the staff of the Local Maritime Office. No injuries were reported.
Despite multiple attempts to put out the fire, the boat sank shortly after 1430 hrs at a depth of about 135 metres with no pollution reported.