On Thursday 26th August, 1993 a 50 metre yacht SPALMATORI who was anchored at Mellieha Bay, Malta was destroyed in fire and finished as a hulk.
The 1950 Norwegian built and 1985 converted, 50 metre LBR flag yacht SPALMATORI sent a distress call on VHF Ch 12 around 0550 hrs of which PTSS {Palace Tower Signal Station) at that time manned by AFM (Valletta Port Control) liased with the AFM Control Room to inform the nearby Patrol Craft P 25 with 4 crew of which earlier on she did a routine check.
Once P 25 arrived, there was smoke coming out from the engine room but no fire. They prepared their hoses so they cooled down the area, it was pitch darkness with no lighting from generator that had failed with minutes later flames of fire were coming out from the forward bilges compartment.
Meanwhile another patrol craft P 23 was rushing to the scene to load trailer pumps from the Malta Police Fire Brigade (MPFB) and while P 25 was preparing to tackle the flames, an explosion shook the yacht, throwing two AFM members back to their patrol boat. Some pleasure craft also tried to help but were kept at a distance especially when the yacht had around 80 tons of diesel oil.
The crew of seven (3 Greek Nationals and 4 Pakistan Nationals) , abandoned ship and jumped into the sea as most of the brilliant white vessel was suddenly engulfed in flames. They were rushed to Hospital, two of them practically unconscious from smoke inhalation with SA 316B Alouette III helicopter from the Air Squadron and Special Assignment Group Rescue Team (SAG – Police) dinghies involved too.
Despite the AFM Maritime Squadron with MPFB and later on around 0900 hrs Tug Malta’s tugboat CETTA was deployed, the luxury yacht became a hulk and was towed to Cirkewwa clearing danger as it wasn’t safe to tow her to Grand Harbour.

Her tenders were destroyed apart from 1 that later on was handed over to the AFM Maritime Squadron.
Photos by Capt. Lawrence Dalli. Do not use these images without my permission. © All rights reserved. Malta Ship Photos & Action Photos – www.maltashipphotos.com