On the night of 11th January, the 1988 HHI built semi submersible drilling rig (ssdr) OCEAN VALIANT ran aground in the Mediterranean Sea at Dherwa beach 20 kilometers west of Bizerte, Tunisia.
She was being towed by the offshore supply vessel SPM NEEL PRATAP 180 , former MAERSK TRACER from Scotland bound to Aliaga, Turkey for breakers when rough weather caused the towline to break. Unable to reconnect again the towing bridle , the ssdr drifted until she went ashore.AFP journalists saw the platform on a beach at El Haouichet on Monday, about 20 kilometers west of the coastal city of Bizerte.
SPM NEEL PRATAP 180 underway offshore Malta last 29th October, 2024 after she completed towing another ssdr to Aliaga for breaking up. More photos can be found here – SPM Neel Pratap 180 – 29.10.2024 – Malta Ship Photos & Action Photos
A representative of the Tunisian National Guard, in charge of maritime operations, announced that the platform broke loose after the tow ropes broke and did not cause any material damage or pollution.
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