One of the Spanish built vessels trading in Malta is the 2002 built 25.23 metres long fishing support workboat GANG PIL LEE. She was built at Astilleros Nodosa at Marin Shipyard, Spain as yard number 247 and named as AJD 1 for the Maltese Blue Fin Tuna farming Venture AJD Tuna that was established in 1999 between the Azzopardi Group and Japanese and South Korean firms.

She had a radio callsign of 9H 6922 with official number as 7712 and received the Fishing Vessel Registry Category number as MFD 21 (MFD registrations are completely different from those described previously given that MFD vessels are not engaged in the catching of fish. Specifically, the MFD category involves auxiliary vessels used in fishing operations such as those involved in the carriage of fish or assistance on fish farms ).

In 2015 she was renamed as GANG PIL LEE for the Korean partner that was involved in AJD Tuna after he crashed with an aircraft.

And during January this year she was lifted on her hard at MMH Facilities at Marsa where additional accommodation was added.

On completion she shifted towards DWQ 1 for additional light work and provisions

And as usual for the past 20 years and till date she’s a great asset to the BlueFin Tuna (BFT) Industry.
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Published – Wednesday 20th July, 2022.