One of the former National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Equity Class Patrol Craft was spotted on her hull hard at Mazara Del Vallo, Sicily back to 10th April, 2014 now called as CORMORANO II.
She was built in 1970 at New Orleans, USA by Equitable Construction for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) as NOAA 1256 with 19.81 metres length and 4.88 wide with 2.27 metres as maximum draught. Then she was renamed GAZELLE working in Senegal as platform supply vessel/crewboat and late nineties she was bought from ARMATORI SARDI of which she was working in Sarroch bay at Sardinia, Italy. In 2010 she was spotted in blue hull used for fishing trips. In 2015 she went through a refit and nowadays she’s an accomodation boat with 4 cabins at Trapani, Sicily.
Photos by Capt. Lawrence Dalli. Do not use these images without my permission. © All rights reserved. Malta Ship Photos & Action Photos –
Published – Saturday 2nd May, 2020