A large variety of goods, because of their inherent properties (length, height, weight, etc.) may be carried on deck as Deck Cargo.
Goods often carried on deck include: Dangerous Goods (e.g. compressed gases, flammable liquids, substances giving off inflammable vapours, corrosive substances) for which on deck stowage is prescribed in the IMDG Code; heavy logs, sleepers, props, sawn timber exceeding that which can be stowed under deck as per charter-party ; long structural steel and other forms of steel, heavy bridge girders or sections, pipes; heavy unpacked machinery and vehicles, boilers and pontoons; crated machinery; small vessels; etc.
Another Deck Cargo Operation happened on Tuesday 18th October, 2022 at Laboratory Wharf, Grand Harbour, Malta, this time with the 2004 built MPP carrier ABB ELKE.
ABB ELKE was built in China by Jiangdong Shipyard at Wuhu as the JETTE trading until February 2016.
She loaded the 2020 built 33 metre passenger catamaran I SEE ONE to transport her towards Suez Canal and to operate in the Red Sea.
At the time of writing I SEE ONE is still in the Red Sea.