

6 October 2020






2 mins

400 shots were fired by a Guardia Di Finanza V 2000 Class patrol boat based at Vibo Valentia after another GdiF patrol craft was rammed by a Tunisian fishing boat.

V 2023 and V 2014 (V 2000 Class) moored at Mazara Del Vallo back to 10th April, 2014.

On Tuesday 29th September a small boat with 40 Tunisians aboard possibly illegal immigrants entered Lampedusa and attracted the attention of Guardia Costiera (Italian Coast Guard) which left immediately afterwards to check if there were any mother ships nearby. Arriving a few miles from the coast, they identified three fishing boats, in Italian territorial waters, pretending to fish. Ordering them to stop, the fishing vessels ignored and pulled straight ahead. So the Coast Guard, which is not armed, asked for the intervention of a patrol boat from the Guardia Di Finanza.

Aerial Images of LAMPEDUSA PORT back to 6th July, 2007.

Two GdiF marine units arrived on the spot, which again ordered the 24 metre Sfax based stern fishing trawler MOHAMED AHMED which first rammed the 2007 built Bigliani V Class P.V. 7 PAOLINI and from which a gunshot was immediately launched. Once the commanding officer ordered the fire response. 400 shots were fired, while boarding was attempted from the Class V 2000 patrol craft. 

AERIAL IMAGES of P.V. 4 AVALLONE a sistership to P.V. 7 PAOLINI.

The stern fishing trawler MOHAMED AHMED only slowed down because the top of the fender ended up in the propeller. There were no injuries neither among the Fiamme Gialle personnel men nor among the alleged smugglers of which immediately they were arrested and escorted to port.

For months the Lampedusans have complained about the presence of Tunisian fishing boats in the territorial waters. A little less than a month ago a fishing boat from Lampedusa was rammed. The Italian Admiral Nicola De Felice intervened on the fact: “I Hope very much that the Italian justice will punish with the utmost severity the crew of the Tunisian fishing boat seized in these hours by our personnel of the Guardia di Finanza and the Coast Guard in Lampedusa Port ”. And again: “I have unconfirmed rumours that the fishing boat did not stop when she was ordered to and even fired at the military. I hope that the incident will be brought to light as soon as possible.

Watermarked Photos are by Capt. Lawrence Dalli. NO PHOTOS can be used or manipulated without our permission. © All rights reserved. Malta Ship Photos & Action Photos –

Published – Tuesday 6th October, 2020.

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