A374 HS Prometheus – 22.08.2023

Leaving Valletta
A374 HS Prometheus – 18.08.2024

Approaching Valletta during Sunrise
T-AO 201 USNS Patuxent – 04.03.2018

Berthed at the NATO Jetty
A374 HS Prometheus – 29.07.2017

Maiden call
A 608 FS Var – 26.11.2019

Berthed at Pinto 4 and 5 wharves
A389 RFA Wave Knight – 24.07.2019

Berthed at Palumbo Malta Shipyard for repairs
A 15 ESPS Cantabria no 3 – 26.10.2017

Assisted by 2 tugs berthing at Boiler Wharf
A 15 ESPS Cantabria no 2 – 26.10.2017

Entering Valletta for the first time, this time as EUNAVFOR MED Command Ship
A 15 ESPS Cantabria no 1 – 26.10.2017

2010 commissioned Spanish Naval Ship approaching Valletta
A 631 FS Somme – 07.10.2016

Maiden call to Valletta