Kieler Sprotte – 02.07.2015

1905 built ship
SIP – 19.10.2023

One of 2 survivors worldwide
SS Keewatin – 28.04.2023

Temptation – 18.07.2007

Harbour Tour
Anadrian – 08.09.2012

1952 built grab dredger details at Museum
Temptation – 11.02.2010

Lifted for storage from a barge sitting on a cradle
HMS President no 2 – 27.10.2013

Berthed at Victoria Embankment
HMS President no 1 – 27.10.2013

1918 built sloop preserved at London
HMS Belfast C 35 no 6 – 27.10.2013

In 1967, efforts were initiated to avert Belfast’s expected scrapping and preserve her as a museum ship. A joint committee of the Imperial War Museum, the National Maritime Museum and the Ministry of Defence was established, and reported in June 1968 that preservation was practical. In 1971 the government decided against preservation, prompting the formation […]
HMS Belfast C 35 no 5 – 27.10.2013

In June 1945 Belfast was redeployed to the Far East to join the British Pacific Fleet, arriving shortly before the end of the Second World War. Belfast saw further combat action in 1950–52 during the Korean War and underwent an extensive modernisation between 1956 and 1959. A number of further overseas commissions followed before Belfast […]