Malta Naval Visits – March 2023

Thursday 2nd March  The Russian Navy Project 160 Altay Class Medium seagoing oil products tanker RFS KOLA passed 25.9 nautical miles off Valletta proceeding to East Mediterranean at 2103 hrs. This wasn’t her first passer by move but the first one for 2023. Friday 3rd March  The operated Military Sealift Command of the US Navy […]

Passers By – Naval Units during April & May 2021.

Various naval units pass the Malta-Sicily straits like other ships and to mention some – Early April 2021 the Russian Navy Project 22350 Gorshkov Class frigate RFS ADMIRAL KASATONOV 431 along with the salvage tug NIKOLAI CHIKER and tanker VYAZMA (Joined in February 2021 ) passed Malta-Sicily Straits during the frigate maiden deployment which left homeport […]

Passers By – Naval Units during January 2021

Various naval units pass the Malta-Sicily straits like other ships and to mention some – New Year started with an interesting Russian Navy Vessel – SB 565 PROFESSOR NIKOLAY MURU, a 2014 built and June 2015 commissioned rescue ship on passage from Astrakhan, East Russia bound to West Russia stopping for few days off Pantelleria, […]