Local Shipping – Sea Malta’s – GUDJA

Sea Malta Company Limited was the Maltese National Shipping Line. Established on 10th November 1973 during the tenure of the Labour Government led by Dominic Mintoff, which had the majority of the shares in the new company. The quest of this company was to provide maritime services company as well as to the need of the nation in general, and to […]

Local Shipping – Tugboat LIENI leaving Malta after 30 years – 30.05.2021.

On Sunday 30th May, 2021 the 28 metre Twin Screw Azimuthing Ulstein Z-Peller Stern Drive Tugboat LIENI left Grand Harbour breakwaters for the last time at 0616 hrs bound to Augusta, Sicily. Images by Capt. Alexei Borg She was built in 1991 as GOLDEN PHOENIX TUG by Tai Kong Trading Company, Singapore as yard number TK-178 […]