Passer By – Towage of Cable Laying Barge ULISSE by aht EDT AEOLUS – 20.01.2024

On Saturday 20th January , morning the towage of the 2011 built 120.11 m long (loa) cable laying barge ULISSE towed by the anchor handling tug (aht) EDT AEOLUS passed by within territorial waters of Malta underway to her next port of call – Limassol, Cyprus from Rotterdam, Netherlands. ULISSE was built in China by […]
AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY – Fairplay 33 towing Hull 890 – 30.12.2019

One of the towages that are bound to Norway from Romania was the towage of Cruise Liner HULL 890 towed by the anchor handling tug FAIRPLAY 33 and it was photographed from the air by Malta Ship Photos in the Mediterranean Sea . HULL 890 is one of the VARD 6 08 type new expedition […]