Offshore – DOF Subsea Wins Contracts – 18.08.2020

During August 2020 DOF Subsea has been awarded multiple contracts covering survey, IMR, and decommissioning for clients in the Atlantic region. A selection of the vessels in the DOF Subsea fleet shall be deployed to undertake the work including SKANDI ACERGY; SKANDI SEVEN and SKANDI SKANSEN. SKANDI SEVEN entering Grand Harbour, Malta back to 16th […]

Offshore News – DOF awarded 3 new PSV contracts.

DOF has been awarded a two year contract by a major North Sea company for the platform supply vessel (PSV) SKANDI GAMMA with commencement in the first quarter of 2019. The company has also been awarded one year contract by the Southern North Sea (SNS) pool for the PSVs SKANDI CAPTAIN and SKANDI TEXEL. Commencement […]

MMH MALTA – Week 42 of 2018

Mediterranean Maritime Hub (MMH) is located within the inner of Valletta (Grand Harbour), and ideally positioned to serve the marine oil and gas servicing industries by providing drilling, sub-sea and marine operations, engineering, maintenance and storage and other services. The following are movements within Week 42 Tuesday 16th October, 2018. At 2028 hrs VOS PATIENCE left Valletta from […]

Ship of the Week – SKANDI INSPECTOR

DOF Subsea, a subsidiary of the Norwegian company DOF, sold their 36 year old subsea support vessel SKANDI INSPECTOR back to the end of 2015. The vessel built by Hatlo Verksted-Ulsteinvik, Norway, in 1979 as TENDER CAPTAIN and in January 1986 she was sold to Farstad Offshore and renamed FAR CAPTAIN.  DOF purchased the vessel in […]

MMH MALTA – Week 38 of 2018

Mediterranean Maritime Hub (MMH) is located within the inner of Valletta (Grand Harbour), and ideally positioned to serve the marine oil and gas servicing industries by providing drilling, sub-sea and marine operations, engineering, maintenance and storage and other services. The following are movements within Week 38 Monday 17th September, 2018. At 1405 hrs the 2003 built NIS […]

MMH MALTA – Week 37 of 2018

Mediterranean Maritime Hub (MMH) is located within the inner of Valletta (Grand Harbour), and ideally positioned to serve the marine oil and gas servicing industries by providing drilling, sub-sea and marine operations, engineering, maintenance and storage and other services. The following are movements within Week 37 Monday 10th September, 2018. At 0907 hrs VOS PATIENCE left Valletta. At 0954 […]

MMH MALTA – Week 35 of 2018

Mediterranean Maritime Hub (MMH) is located within the inner of Valletta (Grand Harbour), and ideally positioned to serve the marine oil and gas servicing industries by providing drilling, sub-sea and marine operations, engineering, maintenance and storage and other services. The following are movements within Week 34 Tuesday 28th August, 2018. At 0959 hrs the 2017 built NLD flag […]

MMH MALTA – Week 34 of 2018

Mediterranean Maritime Hub (MMH) is located within the inner of Valletta (Grand Harbour), and ideally positioned to serve the marine oil and gas servicing industries by providing drilling, sub-sea and marine operations, engineering, maintenance and storage and other services. The following are movements within Week 34 Monday 20th August, 2018. At 1418 hrs the 2003 built Platform Supply […]

MMH MALTA – Week 30 of 2018

Mediterranean Maritime Hub (MMH) is located within the inner of Valletta (Grand Harbour), and ideally positioned to serve the marine oil and gas servicing industries by providing drilling, sub-sea and marine operations, engineering, maintenance and storage and other services. The following are movements within Week 30 Sunday 22nd July, 2018. At 1221 hrs the 2012 built GIB […]

MMH MALTA – Week 29 of 2018

Mediterranean Maritime Hub (MMH) is located within the inner of Valletta (Grand Harbour), and ideally positioned to serve the marine oil and gas servicing industries by providing drilling, sub-sea and marine operations, engineering, maintenance and storage and other services. The following are movements within Week 29 Monday 16th July, 2018. At 0858 hrs the 2003 built Platform […]