Bookships – GBA Ships 50 Years of Service at Sea – 2021
GBA Ships is celebrating 50 years of Service at Sea this year, 2021. Serving others with ocean-going ships began in 1970 with the purchase of the original LOGOS. Since then the ships (LOGOS, DOULOS, LOGOS II and LOGOS HOPE) have visited over 500 different ports in more than 150 countries and territories and welcomed over […]
Ship of the Week – LOGOS II – 1988-2008
One of the few bookships around the world was the LOGOS II. She was built at Union Naval Levante SA at Valencia Spain in 1968 as ANTONIO LAZARO for Compañía Trasmediterránea. The ship was designed to operate a ferry service to Morocco, carrying 400 berthed and 200 deck class passengers. She also had a cargo hold forward and […]