Advertising – Welcome Aboard to 2 Entities – 25.11.2023

Creative advertisement graphics, billboards, commercials and social media ads are all around us. They compete with each other for our attention using techniques proven to inspire an emotional reaction. Help your brand rise above average with creative advertising ideas and the right tools to achieve your goals. 2 more Logos are added today 25th November […]

MSPAP – 200,000 views in 3 months on our fresh website – 09.11.2023

After  ending last September 2023, with another SUCCESS as Malta Ship News part of Malta Ship Photos & Action Photos (MSPAP) has been nominated as ONE of the TOP SHIPPING NEWS WORLDWIDE :)))), we received another great news. With the ‘ new ‘ website launched during Q 1 of this year which took nearly 8 […]

Festive Season Greetings 2021

Another year has passed and I wanted to reach out to my old and my new friends alike. For my clients and people I have worked with I want to thank you for going always ahead. It has been a pleasure and a positive experience for sure to work with you.  IL-Milied it-Tajjeb u s-Sena […]