Fire – Grass Fire at Wied il-Ghomor, Malta – 30.05.2022

On Monday 30th May, 2022 a grass fire broke out around 1315 hrs at Wied il-Ghomor which spread quickly, fanned by a strong wind spreading from San Gwann to Ibrag under the former Halland Hotel site. Civil Protection Department (CPD) deployed several fire appliances from all fire stations and it was fully controlled by 2330 […]

Emergency Vehicles – M-0032 Dennis F 44 Rolls Royce Fire Engine at Malta

The Fire Section within the Malta Police was set up in 1934. In April 1936, it started making use of the first ever fire engine at its disposal. For many years the responsibility for Fire Services was in the hands of the British services in Malta. In 1883 the Malta Police were given some fire […]

Casualties – MSC LIRICA fire at Corfu, Greece – 12.03.2021

On the afternoon of Friday 12th March, 2021 the MSC Cruise ship MSC LIRICA caught fire whilst berthed at Corfu, Greece. The fire blaze seemed to be originated in an empty lifeboat on deck 6 on starboard side and there were no injuries among the 51 crew members who were on board to maintain the […]

Accident – Tugboats assisting in fire fighting at Marsa, Malta – 27.10.2020

On Tuesday 27th October, 2020 a huge fire blaze broke out at the Wasteserv plant in Marsa with Civil Protection Department (CPD) issuing a warning to residents in the area, telling them to keep windows closed since the fumes were considered as toxic. The fire which started around 0730 hrs at a yard where autoclave […]

Former Military – BASTION 2 and BASTION 3 – 30.10.2020

One of the fast patrol craft class in service with the Guardia Di Finanza (Italian Customs) was the Corrubia Class of which 26 units were launched. 11 units were built by the original project  Cantieri Navali del Golfo di Gaeta in two lots with the rest 15 units, were built by the Intermarine shipyard in Sarzana , Italy. Lately at MMH Malta Facilities […]

Dangerous Goods – Beirut Port Explosion, Lebanon – 04.08.2020

DANGEROUS GOODS are articles or substances capable of posing a risk to health, safety or the environment. Authorities in Lebanon are busy counting the number of dead and injured after an explosion at Beirut Port that rocked the entire city on Tuesday 4th August, 2020 in the afternoon. It is unacceptable that 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate have […]