Opinion – Terms in Shipping at Malta – 25.11.2023

Looking at certain ship photos caption it’s either you laugh or you cry. Most of the funniest shipping terms comes from the Media but when you see certain photographers that are involved in shipping photography you will say – Are you Serious ?? 🙂 CHARTERING is the term used to name the renting of a […]

Casualties – CHEM P salvage update – 26.03.2022

A week after the saga of the tanker CHEM P that happened last Saturday 19th March (Public Holiday in Malta) on Saturday 26th March, 2022 (Election Day at Malta) it was the turn that the 59.25 metre offshore tug/supply ship OPAL take over. She arrived at OPL Malta on Wednesday 23rd March around 0647 hrs. […]

Towage – Cargo Ship EVALUNA towed to Malta for repairs – January 2022

On Saturday 1st January 2022 the 2011 built General Cargo Ship EVALUNA reported to VTS that she was in restricted manoeuvrability due to gearbox problems around 38 nautical miles offshore Malta coming from Bizerte, Tunisia. After towage arrangements were done the 38 metre tug SPINOLA let Grand Harbour at 1204 hrs and reaching the ship […]

Palumbo Malta Shipyard – Tanker STENA PENGUIN from 08.09 to 15.09.2021

One of the Croatian built tankers from Stena Tankers seen in Malta was the 2010 built oil product tanker STENA PENGUIN which entered Malta on Wednesday 8th September coming from Algeciras, Spain passing breakwaters at 1435 hrs bound to Palumbo Malta Shipyard Dock 6. She was built at Brodosplit in Sprit, Croatia as yard no […]

Fishing Vessels – TOK TOK

A British built fishing vessel which ended her years in black events was the 1975 built TOK TOK. She was originally the Petershead Tynedraft 86 Class Fishing Vessel GOLDEN DAWN bearing fishing matricola PD 211 and later while she was delivered to Maltese owners she was flying Irish (IRL) Flag and with matricola as BS […]

Local Shipping – Bunkering Tanker VANNA (1980 built)

One of the Go Fuels tanker that was used for bunkering purposes was the 1980 built VANNA. She was built in Germany by Busumer Schiffsweerft at Busum as the chemical/oil products tanker HELGA ESSBERGER built for John T. Essberger,  the pioneer of purpose-built parcel tankers and today is one of Europe’s leading operators of such tankers, […]

Tankers – Chemical/Oil Product Tanker TROODOS

One of the Japanese built tankers in the world seen offshore Malta was the 1979 built GEO flag and Cypriot owned tanker TROODOS. She was built in Japan by Shin Kochi Jyuko K.K. in 1979 as HAKKO MINERVA with yard no 1306 for Hakko Shoun KK & Daiichi Shoun KK trading until 1985 with Japanese […]