Hijacking – Car Carrier GALAXY LEADER – 19.11.2023

On Sunday 19th November, 2023 , NYK Chartered Pure Car and Truck Carrier (PCTC) GALAXY LEADER was named hijacked by Iran-affiliated Houthi militia, who described her as “an Israeli ship,” and taken to a Yemeni port. Al Jazeera News Agency cited a Houthi spokesman as saying the seizure of the ship was in response to […]

Military Nostalgia – JDS ARIAKE DD 183

The Fletcher Class Destroyer named for Admiral Frank F. Fletcher was the largest destroyer class ordered. It was also one of the most successful and popular with their crews. Compared to earlier classes built for the United States Navy, the Fletchers carried a significant increase in lethal firepower, including anti-aircraft (AA) weapons and increased Armor plating; this contributed to greater displacement and overall […]

Naval News – Japanese Navy Submarine hit bulker while surfacing – 08.02.2021

The crew of the Japanese Navy Soryu Class Diesel-electric submarine SS 501 SORYU suffered minor injuries, while the submarine suffered damage to her mast, after they surfaced underneath a Hong Kong homeported 229 metres long bulker OCEAN ARTEMIS. The submarine was in the process of surfacing about 27 nautical miles south of Cape Ashizuri on Japan’s […]