Opinion – Respect in Shipping Industry

Looking at certain ship photos caption it’s either you laugh or you cry. Most of the funniest shipping terms comes from the Media but when you see certain photographers that are involved in shipping industry you will say – Are you Serious ?? This subject is never ending especially here at the Maltese Islands …… […]
Opinion – Where is the Maritime Law Enforcement ???

Maritime Law Enforcement can refer to the act of upholding maritime laws, as well as the agencies who run these assignments. This includes domestic maritime law enforcement and assisting with international maritime law enforcement. In Malta we have the Armed Forces of Malta (AFM) that through her Maritime Squadron has the responsibility for the security of Maltese territorial […]
Opinion – Reporting Shipping Matters is a Big Joke

Looking at certain ship photos caption it’s either you laugh or you cry. Most of the funniest shipping terms comes from the Media but when you see certain photographers that are involved in shipping photography you will say – Are you Serious ?? 🙂 COURTESY FLAG – A nation’s courtesy flag should be flown by all […]
Opinion – Are We Responsible for what we Post ????

Unfortunately when something happen around us being locally or in a foreign country you will always find Fake/Wrong News with photos and videos attached. One of the lately transportation issue was the anti-ship ballistic missile fired from Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen on the 2015 built bulker GIBRALTAR EAGLE owned by Eagle Shipping International (USA) LLC […]
Opinion – Terms in Shipping at Malta – 25.11.2023

Looking at certain ship photos caption it’s either you laugh or you cry. Most of the funniest shipping terms comes from the Media but when you see certain photographers that are involved in shipping photography you will say – Are you Serious ?? 🙂 CHARTERING is the term used to name the renting of a […]