Law Enforcement – Guardia di Finanza Corrubia III Class G 114 PULEO

The GUARDIA di FINANZA is an Italian law enforcement agency under the authority of the Minister of Economy and Finance. It is a militarized police force, forming a part of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, not the Ministry of Defence. Guardia di Finanza is essentially responsible for dealing with financial crime and smuggling; it has also evolved into Italy’s […]

Former Military – BASTION 2 and BASTION 3 – 30.10.2020

One of the fast patrol craft class in service with the Guardia Di Finanza (Italian Customs) was the Corrubia Class of which 26 units were launched. 11 units were built by the original project  Cantieri Navali del Golfo di Gaeta in two lots with the rest 15 units, were built by the Intermarine shipyard in Sarzana , Italy. Lately at MMH Malta Facilities […]