Malta Naval Visits – August 2024

Contrary to the month of July, August was an interesting month indeed, starting with an interesting Russian Navy Replenishment tanker RFS AKADEMIK PASHIN that passed in the Malta/Sicily Channel on Friday 2nd August. Tuesday 6th August. The Italian Navy (Marina Militare Italiana) ocean ketch , a sail training yacht ITS ORSA MAGGIORE A 5323 anchored […]
Offshore – ASSO VENTIQUATTRO leaving Malta – 03.11.2020

One of the frequent offshore supply vessels around is the 2001 built ASSO VENTIQUATTRO. She was built in Danmark by Orskov Yard at Fredrikshavn and been in active these golden years, She was seen in Malta back in 2004 when during May she was spotted with the semi-submersible drilling rig (ssdr) BREDFORD DOLPHIN at the […]